Litton's Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc. Launches Major Windchill Implementation

Litton's Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc.

In 1998, Windchill was selected as the technology of choice for the DD 21 Gold Team partnership. Program Manager James Anton notes, "It is imperative that we position ourselves to deliver more capable, more cost-effective systems and solutions to the DD 21 Program."

Front: A.Nordmann,R. Hayes, J. Ferell
Middle: M. Blackwood, E.Brennan, C. Darriz, J. Lester, M. Holifield
Back: D. Lofgren (PTC), R. Hughes, D. Fowler(PTC), B. Harris

For over six decades, the name "Ingalls" has been synonymous with "shipbuilding." Ingalls Shipbuilding division of Litton Industries, located in Pascagoula, Mississippi, has been in continuous operation since 1938, delivering the full spectrum of naval vessels, from cruisers and destroyers to nuclear submarines. Earlier this year, Ingalls expanded their market presence into the cruise ship arena by signing a contract to build the first luxury passenger cruise ship built in the U.S. in 40 years. Today, Ingalls has 11,300 employees and has grown to become the world's leader in construction of large naval surface combatant ships, with market growth in commercial vessels and the offshore oil industry, and an order backlog exceeding $4 billion.

As a leader in naval shipbuilding, Ingalls builds some of the most sophisticated machinery known to man. Over the past few years, Ingalls has delivered 12 DDG 51 Class Aegis guided missile destroyers to the U.S. Navy, and has contracts and options for 13 more. The company has also delivered to the Navy six large-deck LHD Class amphibious assault ships and has one more of these giant vessels under construction.

"Building Freedom - One Great Ship at a Time"
Ingalls application of leading-edge technology carries forth their tradition of building great ships into the U.S. Navy's 21st Century Destroyer (DD 21) Program. DD 21 is first in the Surface Combatant (SC-21) family of new multimission warships whose role in the Navy arsenal is to establish surface, subsurface, and air battlespace dominance. DD 21 will be the first surface combatant designed from the keel up to embody the principals of "net"-centric warfare by exploiting advanced command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities. The potential business value of this program will exceed $20 billion and ultimately deliver 32 new destroyers and cruisers in the new millennium. Procurement cost for the 5th ship is $750 million (in fiscal year '96 dollars). Operating and support (O&S) cost is 70 percent less than Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) - class destroyers (for $2,700 per hour underway). Manning objective is 95 people (also 70 percent less than DDG 51.)

Teamed with Raytheon, Ingall's will produce the most advanced naval combatant vessel ever designed. The proven ability to leverage such technologies in naval shipbuilding qualifies Ingalls in their leadership role within the DD 21 Gold Team partnership. Collaboration with Raytheon and other DD 21 partners demands a secure, highly integrated information environment that delivers critical information where and when it's needed. Jana Ferrell, IDE Section Manager, states, "Our mission is to provide a fully standards-based, Web-centric solution for our Information Technology vision - Integrated Data Environment (IDE). Achieving this goal will allow the DD 21 partnership 24-hour access to critical data, thus eliminating costly information bottlenecks."

Ingalls Integrated Data Environment Vision
Ingalls found that Parametric Technology Corporation's (PTC) Windchill provides the product information and process management foundation that uniquely meets their demands. In 1998, Windchill was selected as the technology of choice for the DD 21 Gold Team partnership. Program Manager James Anton notes, "It is imperative that we position ourselves to deliver more capable, more cost-effective systems and solutions to the DD 21 Program."

For the DD 21 Program, the IDE provides a secure Web-centric environment for collaborative teams. Users, customers, partners, and suppliers cooperate in focused teams across the extended enterprise using IDE. Web technology provides the ideal platform for this environment by providing secure interaction and global accessibility with reduced information technology cost. Michael Holifield, Gold Team IDE, explains, "The IDE also provides the Navy with unparalleled real-time insight into the design work as it is being developed. An IDE user will use a standard Web browser to access the information needed to accomplish their task. Proprietary software will not need to be updated every time the application changes."

Windchill provides a unique solution to their information management requirements using the federated data model. This model is a powerful data resource that supports multiple business objects and provides the flexibility to expand the support to parts and simulation models. Windchill's architecture makes product data immediately available to a broad community of users, including customers, partners, and suppliers within the extended supply chain. The Windchill solution was customized at Ingalls to take advantage of this extended capability through the use of multiple business objects that suit specific business needs.

The use of Windchill's federated model supports rapid, incremental implementations that accelerate return on investment, and lowers risk by allowing problems to be broken into smaller issues that can be addressed in parallel. Ingalls understands the efficiencies gained through the use of technology. Ingalls has enabled its manufacturing processes through extensive integration of CAD, CAM, and MRP systems. The knowledge base gained by implementing these initiatives has yielded the necessary expertise to address the challenge of identifying, prioritizing, and optimizing high pay back processes. Through the use of Windchill, Ingalls plans on leveraging the powerful server-side functionality including lifecycle, product structure, configuration management, and process automation (workflow), to accelerate the flow of critical product and process information throughout their extended enterprise. Windchill is going to take Ingalls one step closer to their IT vision by tying together their business processes as well.

"Ingalls is committed to moving to a Web-centric product model approach making data available from the water front to the executive boardroom without the need for expensive and sophisticated hardware and software on a user's desktop. IDE can do this for us," adds Jana Ferrell.